Festive visit to Ashgabat Rehabilitation Educational and Training Complex

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Festive visit to Ashgabat Rehabilitation Educational and Training Complex

On December 28, 2022, students and teachers from IUHD visited Ashgabat Rehabilitation Educational and Training Complex, and arranged New Year celebrations for the children with special needs. Members of University Students’ Council, Young SDG Ambassadors and volunteers have actively participated in the organization of that festive event. Moreover, they launched “Wish Tree” project at our university at the beginning of December collecting more than 600 children’s New Year wishes. Everyone from our university made a valuable contribution to that festive project, and on December 28, the children received their gifts.

Shabibi Beshimova, a Young SDG Ambassador and a member of the Students’ Council of our university noted:

“I am very happy and proud to participate in this festive event that made an unforgettable impression on the children. Such activities have become tradition for our university since its establishment and promote the initiatives of Government of Turkmenistan on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals”.

Read also: “Wish Tree” Project