Academic Council of the International University for the Humanities and Development acts under the chairmanship of the Rector, and addresses contemporary issues of the University.
Academic Council of the International University for the Humanities and Development functions in accordance with the work plan approved for the relevant academic year.
Academic Council is constituted by the Rector, the Chairman of the Council, Vice-rectors, as well as deans of faculties, heads of departments, scientific-research centers and public unions.
Regular meetings of the Academic Council are scheduled on the last Thursdays (Fridays) of each month.
Meetings of the Academic Council are conducted in an open and public manner.
Decisions and resolutions adopted by the Academic Council shall be binding for all structural departments of the University, as well as staff and students.
Considers and makes changes to the University Charter.
Approves structural divisions of the University (faculties, departments, and scientific-research centers), composition, decisions and resolutions of the Academic Council.
Considers development of research work, accepts reports on the work accomplished, and also contemplates implementation of research work objectives into production.
Accepts reports of the Rector, Vice-rectors, and heads of structural divisions, faculties, departments, making relevant proposals.
Considers issues of educational, research, information and analytical work, as well as international cooperation of the University.