Academic Policies and Regulations

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Academic Policies and Regulations

Academic regulations of the university are based on the “Law on Education” of Turkmenistan adopted in 2013. There are many regulations governing various areas of university life. The official language of instruction at IUHD is English. The first year of study at the university is dedicated to studying English, after completion of which students achieve B2 level of English knowledge according to the CEFR. Incoming students can be exempted from the one-year English preparation course by demonstrating a B2 level of English during entrance examinations through submission of recognized test scores (IELTS, TOEFL etc.) or by passing the institutional proficiency test of IUHD. The current bachelors programs are compatible with the ECTS guidelines. After studying for 4 years, students are awarded bachelors degrees earning 240 ECTS credits. With bachelor’s degrees they qualify to apply for admission for second cycle programmes leading to Master’s degrees. Masters programs last one year and are equivalent to 60 ECTS credits each. At IUHD, each credit is equal to 27 hours of student’s academic work. With master’s degrees students are qualified to apply for PhD studies.