HiEdTec Erasmus+

HiEdTec Erasmus+

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1.1 Brief information about the project

Modernization of Higher Education in Central Asia through New Technologies (HiEdTec)

To give the opportunity for EVERYBODY to learn at ANY time and at ANY place with the help of ANY lecturer, using ANY device – computer, laptop, tablet, phablet, smart phone, etc. the consortium will create Centres for innovative education technologies.

The consortium's main aims are:

Adapt the education system in the PCs to the digital generation through the introduction and effective implementation of ICT-based innovative educational technologies and didactic models in the teaching process;

Enhance the international dimension of education and training through strengthened links between the EU and PCs universities, exchange of expertise and good practices in the areas of digital pedagogies and IET.


·       The project products will be of benefit for all stakeholders in education:

·       National and university policy-makers in the field of education;

·       University academics who are trainers / lecturers / learners;

·       Scientific, economic and social partners.

The project will help to turn partner universities into innovative universities and to improve the quality of the trained specialists, who are necessary to perform the Digital Transformation of Industries (Industry 4.0).


1.2 Link to the official site of HiEdTec Project



2. Program for adapting higher education to the digital generation


3. Brief information about the implementation of the Project

3.1 Representatives of the International University for the Humanities and Development participated in the following project meetings:

First PROJECT MEETING: 11 – 15 March 2019, BULGARIA, Ruse, University of Ruse

Second Project Meeting: 1 – 7 July 2020, KAZAKHSTAN, Almaty, Almaty Technological University

Third Project Meeting: 2 – 7 December 2020, UZBEKISTAN, Tashkent, Tashkent State University of Economics and Tashkent University of Information Technology

Fourth Project Meeting (Online): 10 March 2020

Fifth Project Meeting (Online): 7 July 2020

3.2 National Erasmus Office Monitoring visit to the International University for the Humanities and Development: 4 March 2020