Online meeting with the exchange students of IUHD to Korean University

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Online meeting with the exchange students of IUHD to Korean University

On March 24, 2023, there was held an online meeting with the exchange students of IUHD to Hanyang University of the Republic of Korea with the participation of students and instructors of our university.

The exchange students told about the standards of education in Korea and shared their views and experiences with the fellow students.

As you all know, in the beginning of March of this year, two students of IUHD Medine Muhammedova and Gurbandurdy Gurbandurdyyev have been sent to the Republic of Korea through an exchange program.

The program lasts one year and includes the courses of Korean language and culture.

The online meeting was concluded with the question and answer part in which students asked all the interested questions.

Furthermore, they mentioned about the friendly atmosphere at Hanyang University and how the Korean students and professors were happy to host the exchange students.