Available courses

Cultural studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the political dynamics of contemporary culture (including popular culture) and its historical foundations. Cultural studies researchers generally investigate how cultural practices relate to wider systems of power associated with, or operating through, social phenomena. These include ideology, class structures, national formations, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and generation. Employing cultural analysis, cultural studies views cultures not as fixed, bounded, stable, and discrete entities, but rather as constantly interacting and changing sets of practices and processes. The field of cultural studies encompasses a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives and practices. Although distinct from the discipline of cultural anthropology and the interdisciplinary field of ethnic studies, cultural studies draws upon and has contributed to each of these fields.

The idea that the study of the state, government, and politics should be ‘scientific’ has excited controversy for centuries.  During the past two decades, the world has seen an astonishing number of changes: the rise of new economic powers in Asia, the retreat of communism and the advance of capitalism and democracy, the return of religion to politics, the spread of the Internet and wireless technologies, the deepening of globalization. The general aim of the Political Science course is to provide a basic understanding of how the various governments, different institutions of states function and to inform students about the concepts and terminology of politics. This course will also allow the students to acquire the skills that are necessary to allow them to function as responsible citizens.

The aim of this course is to help students place themselves in relation to fundamental problems in the practice and theory of education. Schooling, which acts as a channel to economic access, at the same time functions as a chief social stratifies; the critical and well-intentioned educator who tries to give his or her students better access to positions of power, at the same time reincorporates the students into the oppressive structures that marginalized them; the curriculum designer working hard to create a curriculum relevant to the lives of learners at the same time helps perpetuate a school system that by definition is set apart from families, useful work and communities.

The idea that the study of the state, government, and politics should be ‘scientific’ has excited controversy for centuries.  During the past two decades, the world has seen an astonishing number of changes: the rise of new economic powers in Asia, the retreat of communism and the advance of capitalism and democracy, the return of religion to politics, the spread of the Internet and wireless technologies, the deepening of globalization. The general aim of the Political Science course is to provide a basic understanding of how the various governments, different institutions of states function and to inform students about the concepts and terminology of politics. This course will also allow the students to acquire the skills that are necessary to allow them to function as responsible citizens.

The aim of this course is to help students place themselves in relation to fundamental problems in the practice and theory of education. Schooling, which acts as a channel to economic access, at the same time functions as a chief social stratifier; the critical and well-intentioned educator who tries to give his or her students better access to positions of power, at the same time reincorporates the students into the oppressive structures that marginalized them; the curriculum designer working hard to create a curriculum relevant to the lives of learners at the same time helps perpetuate a school system that by definition is set apart from families, useful work and communities. This course engages students in a process that is both intellectual and experiential, individual and collective, theoretical and practical. The aim is to use a rigorous process of inquiry to arrive at new ways of seeing and acting that allow us to hold the complexity of our problems and imagine new, radical modes of interaction history.

An introduction to the science of psychology. Students will investigate theories, topics, and applications in the field of psychology across biological, cognitive, social and developmental area Students learn to identify ways in which the science of psychology affects everyday lives and gain knowledge in multiple areas of psychology that provides a foundation for future courses with the major and across campus. The course will highlight connections among different areas of psychology and identify ways in which different perspectives contribute to a fuller understanding of human behavior.An investigation of how our behavior is changed by experience. Topics will include the nature-nurture issue, conditioned reflexes, operant conditioning, observational learning, reinforcement schedules, punishment, and the stimulus-control of behavior. Exploration of the human sensory systems and perception. The course is focused on investigating the relationship between our conscious experience of the world and the anatomy and physiology of the sensory systems.

The aim of this course is to help students place themselves in relation to fundamental problems in the practice and theory of education. Schooling, which acts as a channel to economic access, at the same time functions as a chief social stratifies; the critical and well-intentioned educator who tries to give his or her students better access to positions of power, at the same time reincorporates the students into the oppressive structures that marginalized them; the curriculum designer working hard to create a curriculum relevant to the lives of learners at the same time helps perpetuate a school system that by definition is set apart from families, useful work and communities.

The scope of the educational subject “Contemporary Turkmen Society” are internal changes related to the potential and wealth of the state, the foundations within the framework of social reforms, the political system of society, the specifics of the socio-economic development of the state, the inner spiritual world of society, the scientific and educational sphere, the intellectual wealth of the country, democratic transformation, and also with international relations of Turkmenistan.

The study courses in “Public relations and advertisement” that will be delivered for the 3rd year Bachelor’s degree students of Journalism department at the University for Humanities and Development, will comprise the main concepts and methods of international Journalism and illustrate them with applications drawn from the real world. The subject matter of public relations and advertisement will consist of the understanding communication related with journalism and its content.

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

- Develop their understanding of communication

- To distinguish and know the specifics of the different communication tools

- To analyze the public relations campaigns 

- To understand the global issues about journalism

- Important role at the improvement of the public relations department in the world

The study courses of “Web design for journalists” students are expected to learn HTML5, CSS responsive website. By the end of this course students will be comfortable creating, coding basic HTML and CSS files. Equipped with a historical understanding of the web’s evolution and key industry-standard design guidelines to ensure strong online presentation, students will have a foundational knowledge of website creation and apply it to the planning, design and development of web page over the course of the semester. Critical thinking will be encouraged through the class interactions, projects, and online postings.

Türkmen dili sapagy grammatikany, sözleýşi, derňew etmegi öwredýär. Türkmen dili sapagy talyplarda öňden bar bolan bilimlerini berkider, çuňlaşdyrar, diliň jemgyýetdäki wajyplygyny öwreder, edebi sözleýiş we dürs ýazuw boýunça amaly başarnyklary öwreder. Öz hünärinde hünärmen bolup işlejek hünärmenler öz ene dilinde dürs sözlemegi, dürs ýazuw kadalaryny bilmegi hökmanydyr. Žurnalistika hünärinde okaýan talyplar üçin öz ýurdumyzyň ösüşlerini öz ene dilinde doly derejede dogry we dürs geplemegi hem-de ýazuw ýüzünde dürs ýazmagy hökmanydyr.

This course is an understanding of communication theory. The course covers the communication style and models. Areas of coverage include, creating cooperating in groups, and provide with the related examples, citations from authorities, verbal and nonverbal communication. Course work will include diffusion and innovation, Frankfurt school and media dependency theory

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to develop their understanding of communication, to distinguish and know the specifics of different communication tools, to analyze the mass media of the world, to understand the global issues about journalism, important role at the improvement of the Journalism in the world and to understand yellow journalism.

This course offers students to know how sports journalist of today needs to be well equipped for the digital age. From the challenges of minute-by-minute reporting to the demands of writing for online outlets, blogging and podcasting, sports journalism is now fully immersed in new and social media.   

  • New examples demonstrating the use of traditional and social media in sports journalism
  • A new chapter on the current professional working practice of sports journalism, covering the skills required of agency and freelance journalists today
  • A new information on sports public relations
  • Expanded coverage of radio and television sports journalism,
  • With more emphasis on commentary and multi-platform working
  • Quotes from working journalists, offering valuable insights into the industry.

The study course in “Psychology of Journalism” that will be delivered for the II year Bachelor’s degree students of Journalism department, will comprise the main concepts and methods of International Journalism and illustrate them with applications drawn from the real world. The subject matter of “Psychology of journalism” will consist of the understanding Psychology from the view of a journalist.

Through this course students can use some influence by making life easier for journalists and producers writing entertaining press releases and delivering useful sound bites but, as with all social groups, we only achieve full representation by taking charge of the forces of production themselves, and becoming the editors, writers, and producers. The distinction between reality and representation is much less clear than we often imagine. When psychologists appear in the media, we usually imagine that this constitutes an uncluttered channel of communication through which we can give audiences a clear glimpse of our research findings or theories. In practice this rarely happens: No matter how well the recorded interview has gone, a producer might later slap an inappropriate job title under our talking head, or snip our contribution at a vital point our contribution with misleading visual footage.

Science and technology journalism is a one-semester course for Journalism major. This course will provide students with an advanced understanding of skills in journalistic writing and research across a range of media forms. Students will develop advanced knowledge of journalistic writing, multimedia storytelling, social media and blogging in the context of professional journalism practice for a diverse range of audiences via print, broadcast and online media. The lecture provides a basic understanding of these challenges, introduces strategies and instruments for Mass media.

To learn the importance of accuracy and objectivity
To put into practice basic reporting skills, which can include covering a beat and covering news, features and sport
To create professional-quality work products
To conduct professional interviews
To edit work to professional standards
To interact with media professionals

The study course in “Photojournalism” that will be delivered for the 3rd year Bachelor’s degree students of journalism department at the University for Humanities and Development will comprise the main concepts and methods of international Journalism and illustrate them with applications drawn from the real world. The subject matter of “Photojournalism” will consist of the understanding communication related with journalism and photos.

This course is an examination of the effect and impact of mass media on contemporary life and society. The course covers both the historical evolution of press as well as contemporary developments and issues. Areas of coverage include newspapers and journalism, magazine and book publishing. Course work will include weekly chapter readings from the course text, quizzes, and regular participation in on-line discussion forms which will require writing and reflection.


This course draws upon international business theory and practice for understanding the media marketing and business context. It aims to provide students with practical tools and theoretical knowledge related to business, media marketing and the exploration of practical issues faced by business managers in international business situations.

Students will study marketing and business at the nation-state level and at the level of the company. Understanding media marketing and business management from the nation-state perspective, students will analyze the role of international monetary institutions as well as political and economic factor that influence foreign direct investments. At the company level, this course provides insight into factors that influence internationalization, entry strategies into foreign markets such as exporting, licensing, joint-ventures and tools to manage and evaluate risks and changes of international operations. This course has an interdisciplinary approach by providing insights on how the international political environment affects business decisions such as internationalizing or global production. International affairs and communication students are very welcome to join this course.

This course is an examination of the effect and impact of mass media on contemporary life and society. The course covers both the historical evolution of communication as well as contemporary developments and issues. Areas of coverage include, newspapers and journalism, magazine and book publishing, radio and television broadcasting, motion pictures, music recording, Internet and social media, cable and satellite communication, advertising and public relations; media law and ethics. Course work will include weekly chapter readings from the course text, quizzes, and regular participation in on-line discussion forums which will require writing and reflection.

·        explain the meaning of mass media and how influence the society;

·        state how we use mass media daily;

·        list different types of mass media;

·        discuss the meaning of media tools;

·        explain main media tools and genres;

·        differentiate between mass communication and mass media.

Understanding the fundamental roles of InDesign. Gaining a great knowledge of using Adobe InDesign CC 2014 features. Creating multiple pages for newspaper, books, catalogues and magazines. Discovering the flexibilities of Adobe InDesign In creating, editing, and managing multiple page’s documents. Integrating Adobe InDesign with Photoshop and Illustrator. Increasing productivity and efficiency by recalling and identifying relevant keyboard shortcuts.

During the seminars, it is expected that students come prepared to do their lab works. Reading of the required material should be completed before the seminar. Short written assignments will be given on every seminar.

Self-study will be the main method of work in this course.

This course is an examination of the effect and impact of mass media on contemporary life and society. The course covers both the historical evolution of communication as well as contemporary developments and issues. Areas of coverage include, newspapers and journalism, magazine and book publishing, radio and television broadcasting, motion pictures, music recording, Internet and social media, cable and satellite communication, advertising and public relations; media law and ethics. Course work will include weekly chapter readings from the course text, quizzes, and regular participation in on-line discussion forums which will require writing and reflection.


This course is designed for the experienced journalism major who wishes to learn about multimedia reporting for the online medium. The course teaches reporters how to approach stories for posting on the web using the strengths of the online venue. Newspaper, magazine, broadcast and photo majors will work together to produce multimedia packages for posting on the Internet. Editors from the different sequences will collaborate to produce an online portal containing content from each sequence.

Globalization of news is having far reaching effects on the news gatherers and the news disseminators. One of the important parts of global journalism practice is knowing what can and can’t be reported and where. As well, the world is rushing headlong into a technologically unknown future, with new changes occurring almost daily. These changes all have an effect on global news flow, and the way journalists are able to report what is happening around the world. The new technologies also mean that there is considerable growth in the media globally, particularly in the areas we have traditionally thought of as broadcast. The future, of course, is much wider than broadcasting; there is the web and even newer ways of collecting and receiving instant information. The Internet alone has put within the range of anyone with a computer connection the enormous amount of raw information available on almost every subject imaginable to anyone throughout the world, whether in countries with or without freedom of expression.

Under the leadership of our Arkadagly Hero Serdar, the educational system of Turkmenistan is being developed according to the international standards. One of its parts is the delivery of quality and up to date study courses for the students, as well as preparation of books and their availability for the students.

The study courses in “History of Press” that will be delivered for the 1st year Bachelor’s degree students of journalism department at the University for Humanities and Development, will comprise the main concepts and methods of international Journalism and illustrate them with applications drawn from the real world. The subject matter of “History of Journalism” will consist of the understanding communication related with journalism and its content.

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: develop their understanding of history of press, to distinguish and know global spirit of printing press, to analyze the world newspapers, to understand the global issues about journalism, which important facts at the history about press in all over the world, to identify the aspects of history of press media aspects and women journalism, and surface to be aware of the history of motion pictures, magazines, radio and Turkmen newspapers.

The purpose of this course is to help students to improve their thinking skills and better prepare them to succeed in the world. Critical thinking is an important and vital topic in modern education. All educators are interested in teaching critical thinking to their students. This course teaches all relevant steps of being a critical thinker. To deal with the information explosion of the twenty-first century, students will need to develop systematic ways of thinking and reasoning. Critical-thinking skills are and will be essential.

This course is an examination of the effect and impact of journalism on contemporary life and society. The course covers both the historical evolution of news and article writing as well as contemporary developments and issues. Areas of coverage include, newspapers and journalism, magazine and book publishing, radio and television broadcasting, motion pictures, music recording, Internet and social media, cable and satellite communication, advertising and public relations; media law and ethics. Course work will include weekly chapter readings from the course text, quizzes, and regular participation in on-line discussion forums which will require writing and reflection.

This course is intended to give students a chance to reflect on the humanitarian, social, and professional impact of computer technology by focusing on ethical issues faced by and brought about by computing professionals, including those related to networking and the internet, intellectual property, privacy, security, reliability, and liability. This course aims to provide the students the knowledge about the ethical issues that arise as a result of increasing use of computers, and the responsibilities of those who work with computers.

This course is designed to help practicing and future instructors put innovative learning theory into practice. It will provide an integrated coverage of methods of classroom instruction, management and assessment.  The course will concentrate on the following issues:


Teaching, supervising and learning in higher education

- Curriculum design and development

- Teaching methods improvement

- Student progress supervision and assessment

- Teaching quality and standards enhancement


Teaching in the disciplines

- Key aspects of teaching and learning in computing science

- Key aspects of teaching and learning in arts, humanities and social sciences

- Key aspects of teaching and learning: enhancing learning in legal education

- Key aspects of teaching and learning in accounting, business, management and economics


In this course students will be able to learn the ART of logic.Where it came from,how it affects our life.They will be able to solve differenet problem sets with instructor and by the independent work itself.The course will be carried in both lecture and seminar classes.Students will be evaluated according their Student Independetn work on class

1. Course description

The study courses of “Computer networks and administration” students are

expected to learn the history of network and, how it works. This course provides an

introduction to computer networks, with a special focus on the Internet architecture

and protocols. Topics include layered network architectures, addressing, naming,

forwarding, routing, communication reliability, the client-server model, web and

email protocols. Besides the theoretical foundations, students acquire practical

experience by programming reduced versions of real Internet protocols.

By the end of this course students will know what types of communications are

presenting. Equipped with a historical understanding of the network and how the

communication changes so fast, students will have a foundational knowledge of

connections and apply it to the planning, design and development of network over the

course of the semester. Critical thinking will be encouraged through the class

interactions, projects, and online practice.

2. Objectives: students will learn

After successfully completing this course, students should:

• create a LAN (local area network).

• Be able to use basic CISCO commands.

• Do the cabling (squeeze the connectors).

The study course of “Introduction to Networks” students are expected to learn the history of network and, how it works. This course provides an introduction to computer networks, with a special focus on the Internet architecture and protocols. Topics include layered network architectures, addressing, naming, forwarding, routing, communication reliability, the client-server model, web and email protocols. Besides the theoretical foundations, students acquire practical experience by programming reduced versions of real Internet protocols.            

By the end of this course students will know what types of communications are presenting. Equipped with a historical understanding of the network and how the communication changes so fast, students will have a foundational knowledge of connections and apply it to the planning, design and development of network over the course of the semester. Critical thinking will be encouraged through the class interactions, projects, and online practice.

In terms of knowledge:

In particular, students are responsible for creating and implementing various projects during their educational experience. A student's learning experience can greatly help them learn and improve their skills.

According to the program of the International University of Humanities and Development, students of the 2nd year studying "Information and Communication Technology" have an internship. During the study experience, the students' theoretical knowledge of information and communication technology is connected to the professional learning activity, which is one of the main means of forming a well-rounded personality. The training experience of 2nd year students of "Information and Communication Technologies" major is held during the 2nd semester of the 2022-2023 academic year.

The main objectives of the student learning experience are:

-  trends and problems of development of innovative technologies;

- directions of development of software tools and methods of integrated software development;

-  emerging development trends and issues in the computer software market;

-  development trends of microelectronics;

-  development prospects in the field of digital and analog technology;

-  the basic conceptual rules of functional, logical and object-oriented areas of programming and the means and methods of developing programs in this area;

-  methods of organizing software development in a team;

-  methods of parallel programming and models of parallel algorithms;

introducing the designs created by the students into production, strengthening their acquired knowledge by introducing them into production, revealing their skills and abilities, learning how to use them in education and production, improving their moral and intellectual level, and raising a worthy, skilled generation of the prosperous era of the state.

After successfully completing the course the students shall be able to:

• Define and understand what Digital Economy is;

• Understand the dynamics of Digital Economy that drive Digital Transformation;

• Understand relative importance of importance of information and information assets for the digital economy;

• Gain Digital Literacy and Digital Learning skills;

• Understand Information Technologies and Information Systems as enablers and building blocks of Digital Economy;

• Familiarize with emerging digital technologies and technological trends;

• Understand social, ethical and legal aspects and impacts of Digital Transformation.

The course of Operating Systems is prepared for the students of Information and Communication Technology major. Covers the classical internal algorithms and structures of operating systems, including CPU scheduling, memory management, and device management. Considers the unifying concept of the operating system as a collection of cooperating sequential processes. Covers topics including file systems, virtual memory, disk request scheduling, concurrent processes, deadlocks, security, and integrity.

The course syllabus of Big Data Analysis is prepared for the students of Information and Communication Technology major. This course aims to introduce the basic knowledge of big data analytics as well as the common data analytics techniques and tools. Furthermore, their potential applications to a variety of domains such as business, finance/banking industry, and health care are shown via case studies.

The goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of the Big Data Analysis and to introduce the basic knowledge of big data analytics; to learn the techniques and tools for big data analytics; to conduct application case studies to show the usage of big data analytics. Students will learn: Identify and distinguish big data analytics applications, big data analytics tools, big data analytics techniques, conduct big data analytics using system tools, appropriate solutions to big data analytics problems

1.Course description

The Course syllabus of Server Administration is prepared  for the students of Information and Communication Technology major. Introduces the student to Microsoft Windows Server. Students will learn the basics of installing, administarting and maintaining a Windows Server implementation. Administration of user and group accounts, Active Directory, network protocols and services such as virtual private networking, Routing and Remote Access Service, DHCP, DNS, backup, recovery and disaster planning will be covered.

2. Objectives: students will learn

The goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of Server Administration. A variety of topics will be covered that are important for modern administration of servers. Students will have had some experience with Server Administration such as: Installing Windows Server 2019, Storing Data in Windows Server 2019, Updating and Troubleshooting Windows Server 2019 and et.c